Dating. I have a love/hate relationship with dating. While I like meeting new people and almost never turn down a free meal, most of these couplings are short lived and go down in flames in some twisted 'what the hell just happened' fashion. These are my stories. Grab a cup of java and get comfy.
Mm...yeah I'm just not feeling it.
well I didn't put it there for you baby cakes.
Snort...whaddaya mean? It's not all about me?? I did NOT get this memo. I am most distraught.
I'm so sorry but I will not be infecting my blawg with pictures of the weasely Justin JustaFlake. Besides, Trent would hurt him I think and I can't have fisticuffs breaking out in here. This is a place of peace and love and besides, blood stains are a bitch to get out.
I think I saw some JT pictures over on the michael jackson website. You might want to check there. ;)
Hehehe...fisticuffs...now I have the giggles...
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