Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Downward Spiral

I hate when the week starts out like this cause it just screws you up for the whole rest of the week. Sunday night I can't sleep for whatever reason. I think someone put caffeine in my evening decaf. Bastards. Don't they realize I can't handle the C like I used to when I smoked?! Don't they realize what they're doing to me?! Like I'm not hyper enough as it is!

Anyway... so I can't sleep which means I'm a useless piece of overtired sludge Monday morning. So Monday evening comes and what happens? Power nap on the couch... which means I'm not tired at bedtime... which means AGAIN I don't get to bed at a decent hour and AGAIN I wake up feeling like I've been on a three day vodka bender. Oh the memories. Good times, good times.

So I need to do anything I can NOT to fall asleep in front of the Simpsons this evening. I need to stay sitting upright otherwise I'll be snoozing. This is my mission and I choose to accept it.

A random thought from my overly tired mind... Trent Reznor circa 'The Perfect Drug' was one hot mutha fuckah. When he's crawling along the floor in that video *shivers* Oh yeah baby. Come to mama. Now he just looks like someone's dad who got sober and cut his hair. *shivers for a different reason* Someone throw that man a quart of vodka and take away his Supercuts card.

Hahahahahaha... I swear sometimes my life feels like I'm on a 24/7 reality show. Saturday nite my Married Friend dedicated a song to me... called me by name from his microphone then sang 'Keep Your Hands To Yourself' to me, saying something like this is what I say to him, or something. I was drunk, I don't remember the exact words, but the jist was pretty clear as I danced and laughed. Anyway... it just came on the radio and I started laughing... and wondering who was there from the radio station to witness me and my friend in all our drunken glory.

Good times, good times.

And why does my co-worker smell like beer this morning? How odd.


Kelly Boyce said...

I hope more hot guys cut their hair because that takes them off your list and puts them on mine, and that means more for me.

So what's the plan on staying upright for tonight? And I haven't gotten a full report on your weekend activities yet.

Maxx said...

I think the single/married dilemna is truly a case of the grass is greener. I look at my married friends and feel envious they've managed to find something I can't... and they tell me I'm the lucky one, to stay single. I think when I find The One I won't regret it for a second. Well, I'm sure there will be down times otherwise I'd never leave the house and get shit done.

Mr. MG (married guy)... yeah... this shit's been going on a looonnggg time. We're talking years. Like 8. I've told him that I'm nothing more than a habit now, a Pavlov's dog kinda thing. And the fantasy he's built me into is far better than the reality, and he should actually thank me for not wrecking them. I'm convinced when... if... we do finally consummate the lust he'll realize I was right all along.


You could say it's as simple as no, you're married... or as complicated as maybe I like being the object of someone's lust and don't want to risk losing that status. It's a nice ego boost when you're having an ugly day.

But I'll tell ya... when he goes into detail about the dream he had of washing your feet...

Kelly Boyce said...

Nikki you'd take anyone with or without the vodka, who are you kidding?

Maxx said...

Justin Timberlake?

uh ...

I uh...

*twitches*face contorts*

must ... resist...

*clamps hands over mouth and runs away*