I'm sorry I didn't take you for more walks.
I'm sorry I yelled at you for eating the book/shoes/poster/etc
But remember when we cuddled in my bed when it thundered?
Remember when we chased the cats just for fun?
You were doing good learning spanish.
We had fun playing ninjas and hide & seek too.
The kitten is already terrorizing the elder cats now that she doesn't have you to tease.
I won't feel quite as safe alone in the house now.
We miss you already. I'll see ya when I get there buddy and I promise we'll
play catch until we fall down.
rip Cayman Watermelon July 20, 2005
Oh crap you weren't kidding about the warning. That was so sweet and so sad and I just want to go home and hug my dog. What a sweet pix of Cayman too. Sniff...now I'm all vehklempt and teary eyed and I can't find my damn eye drops!
I'm so sorry to hear of Cayman's passing. And your tribute to him was wonderful. Now I'm not so mad at my own dog for destroying the fence yesterday. Thanks for the read. :-)
is it okay if i laugh?
well you do what you gotta do. I can't bring him back, much as I'd love to. The worst thing about having pets is the day you lose them.
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