Tuesday, August 30, 2005

You make big time magic fun!

We had big time fun this weekend.

We arrived in the City in one piece and hit the local mega Shop Til You Drop plex. Woohoo! The Girl is going to Junior High this fall and since she's a smidge on the insecure side... nothing that needs therapy, pretty much just regular kid insecurity... I thought it would help to get her new clothes in 'The City'. Kinda give her a little extra sumpin' special to take with her.

Anyway, so this shopping trip was all about The Girl and my friend Stormy. They both did well I think. I did get a new shirt though so I didn't come home with nothing. And some facial scrub from my favourite all natural place. And some new books.

Sat nite we got gussied up and went out to dinner. Stormy mentions it on her blog but as scrumptious as the Thai Chicken was, holy mother of god it was toxic coming out. I don't know how three such attractive babes as ourselves could smell so noxious. I was the first afflicted in the car on the way home. And they certainly had volume... and substance. "Oh it burns! It burns!" The Child had to run to the bathroom and stayed there for quite some time. Stormy even killed her dog. Really. Well okay the dog just ran and hid but I was concerned for her. I could see the toxic green cloud moving about the room taking out everything in it's path. "Light a match or a candle for god's sake! For the love of God DO SOMETHING!"

After we cleared the room and repressurized the atmosphere, we whipped out the year book and skipped down memory lane... with a couple glasses of wine. I haven't laughed like that in a LONG time. We had our own private 20 year reunion because apparently everyone else in our class assumed we were doing it again this year. We did our 10th, and did a DAMN good job if I do say so myself, and we toyed with the idea of doing the 20th but decided we just had too much on our plates and someone else could handle it this year. Well no one did. Morons. I'm starting to think we could throw together a late fall, one evening get together because I hate to see the 20 year mark go by with nothing. But Stormy and I will discuss that and decide.

Sunday morning we got up and went to Cora's for breakfast. Holy gluttony Batman what a feast. YUM YUM. Then we waddled out of there and went to Chapters. Love that place. There's nothing better on a Sunday afternoon than roaming around Chapters and grabbing a large vanilla latte on the way out. It's the closest thing to enlightment I've found yet.

We left The City much later than intended but really... now that I don't have a puppy to tend to (*moment of respectful silence*) what's the biggie? And in keeping with my true Sagittarius spontaniety, on the way home when I saw the sign for the local wildlife park I veered off onto the exit. The Child had fallen asleep in the car and she woke up in the parking lot, looked around and said 'This isn't home. Where are we?' "The wildlife park." The smile on her face was priceless. We had had a little spat before we left Stormy's house and I feel I overreacted a bit so this was my making it up to her. She loved it.

The ONLY bad thing about this weekend was the clothes shopping part. I certainly enjoyed it and loved it when The Child found the perfect skirt, the perfect shoes, etc etc... and got so excited... but for me... it got me a little depressed. Since I quit smoking there's been the inevitable weight gain I've been literally struggling with for months. I'm not whining or feeling sorry for myself... well maybe a little... but it's not like I've been sitting around doing nothing and whining about it. I've been working out 4-5 times a week for MONTHS and it's just now starting to budge. I am happy that at least it is starting to come back down... I guess I just want it to happen faster... even though I know enough about how this all works that it's just not gonna happen that way. And in the meantime it's been tough psychologically. I guess this is one of those big issues I took with me from school days. Even though I was far from obese, I was always pudgy and got teased for it in school so I've been quite sensitive about it all my life. I gained quite a bit after I stopped breast feeding The Child 12 years ago but I managed to lose it all and then some. It stayed off for a long time, right up until last year so it's pretty disheartening to see some of it pile back on within a year because I quit smoking. I should mention I'm in the 35-40 year range which certainly adds to the uphill battle.

Ah well. I'll just keep slogging away with weights and the treadmill and the laws of physics will demand some kind of results.

now playing: Don't Cha - Pussycat Dolls


Kelly Boyce said...

I'm so glad you guys had such a blast up in the Big City. It was mucho fun for the hostess as well. I wish time and money allowed us to get together more often. It's always such a giggle fest. I think we probably laughed off all the calories we ate...well some of them anyway. And you know, I was thinking when reading da blog (and laughing/snorting about the noxious fumes) that when I had to stop wearing my contacts for a few years, I went through the same psychological gross-osity (new word, embrace it) at having to wear the ugly glasses for a few years. It was horrible. So I know how you're feeling. It does a number on your self esteem vanity psyche. But you're right, psychics will prevail. If not, I say we pen Mr. Fortan a scathing memo.

Maxx said...

uh... wasn't he the french teacher?

Kelly Boyce said...

Snort...I had to erase my comment because I apparently forgot how to spell today. As I was saying...

Mr. Fortin taught psychics and french. And sometimes I heard he taught psychics IN french.

Maxx said...

Freakin' spammers. They're like cockroaches. I had about 6 messages within the spam of 5 minutes to remove.

Maxx said...

And how could my life possibly be complete without stone vases

Kelly Boyce said...

I know the spammers are driving me crazy. Although, if you go into your settings you can now adjust it so that you can cut them out. It just makes it so anyone leaving a comment has to type in the password that pops up like you sometimes get in hotmail. Keeps the auto spammers from getting access. I'm thinking of doing that. I'll wait and see. If it gets really bad I'll turn it on.

Maxx said...

I made it so no anonymous comments are allowed so that should cut back on some of it. But if it continues I'll just have to dispatch Tito to dispense some rough justice.

Kelly Boyce said...

I hear Tito likes it rough.