Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Thoughts arrive like butterflies

Just thought I'd give a little update so y'all wouldn't think I fell into a black hole in cyber space.

There's really nothing new. Just working, eating, working out, sleeping, get up and do it all over again. The Girl is off to school and settled in. First year of Junior High don cha know. She was pretty nervous the weeks leading up to it but after the first DAY she told me she loved it so much she didn't want to see the weekend come.


I knew she'd like it. She loves new oppurtunities, welcomes change and sees it as necessary so we don't fall into a coma of boredom. She's like me that way. When things start feeling stagnant where I feel I am running through my life on auto-pilot I'll do something, ANYTHING to change things up whether it's new shoes or clothes or even a lipgloss if I'm particularly broke, to heading out of town for a day or two or chopping my hair off. And when I say off, I mean a couple inches. Took me too long to grow this bad boy to just hack it off with careless abandon. But never say never. But I'm more likely to just change colours.

But that's all frivolous girly stuff, but I'm sure they know where I'm coming from with that.

Since this Blawg was basically set up to chronicle my horrors in singledom I should mention what's new on that front.


I'm kinda in a 'fuck off' mode as far as men are concerned. I haven't spoken to the dude I was supposed to meet the other weekend at Stormy's place other than a couple lines on msn. He explained that a stag party broke out at the last minute which is why he couldn't make it over.

*smacks lips and cocks a brow*

Yeah. Well while I certainly understand how a party can suddenly erupt without warning, I don't think it's out of line to expect a two minute phone call explaining something came up and you won't be able to keep the aforementioned appointment. In fact, I demand common courtesy. It's all part of being respectful. If I don't rate a quick phone call, you don't rate the time of day from me so shove off little boy. Call me when you grow up and join the human race.

Okay maybe that was a bit harsh, especially considering I had no romantic delusions about developing any type of stable relationship with a man-child who lives a hundred miles away and is 10 years my junior. Although I was willing to explore... my options... and whatever else... came up.

But I digress.

Manners. I expect the same from my family and friends so he's certainly not unique having earned my ire for his lack of consideration. I am as modern as I am old fashioned and I see nothing outdated about treating people with respect, treating others as you would like them to treat you.

So fuck off moron. I'm sure you and your motorbike will be very happy together. Assclown.

Ahhh. That felt good. Did I mention I was as immature as I am mature?

So that's pretty much about it for me lately. Nuttin' new. Going back to see Stormy next week and I can hardly wait. No kid this time. Going to see Pearl Jam. Can hardly WAIT. Just me and her, some babes to entertain us and shopping to boot. Life just doesn't get much better. Okay, well I'm sure there are a few things I could throw in there to perk it up but I'm in a good mood and don't want to depress myself.

now playing: the radio. ick.


Kelly Boyce said...

Yay - can't wait for next week and PJ! Woo hoo!! Maybe the concert will be a cosmic turning point and things will start perking up on the man front. Like maybe hot lawyer guy will move closer by a province or wait...would that put him in the ocean? Damn I suck at geography. Or maybe I could just go deliver a another package to the hotel and he could...uh...ask me up to his room to view his etchings. And maybe you'll meet Mr Money Bags and we'll all live happily ever after. *decides not to hold breath*

Maxx said...

I'll tell ya right now what's gonna happen. Once Ed spots me from the stage and realizes I am the woman he's been seeing in his dreams all these years he'll steal me away to the Pridelands of Seattle and it's ADIOS AMIGAS! Except for you. You're coming to. There's room for all of us. Ed won't mind. And if he does too damn bad. He can sleep in the garage.

ahhahaaha my rich fantasy life is the only thing keeping me off the drugs.