Friday, June 03, 2005

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

It is a spectacular day here today. Sunny, warm... I feel like sitting on the porch after work with a bottle of Fortrant and watching the world go by.

But alas I have to take the sprog to a birthday party then workout for 45 min cause I blew it off yesterday in favour of a nap on the couch.

God reality SUCKS


Kelly Boyce said...

Ah yes, the Fortrant...damn, now I have a craving. But alas, I am due for a 45 minute stint on the treadmill as well. You're right. Reality does suck. Why were we not informed of this as children?

Maxx said...

I managed to squeeze it all in. Dropped kid off at party, came home and did work out, went and got kid from party, then lit the tiki torches and sat on the porch with my neighbor imbibing of the Fortrant til 1130pm.

Good times, good times.

Now I have to squeeze in a workout before my sister's BarBQue today. Ergh.