Sunday, May 08, 2005

Just put on your big girl panties and deal with it

It seems to me my dating life consists of more coy flirting and on line chatting than actually GOING OUT somewhere. I think guys feel safer hiding behind their crt's, afraid if they step out from behind the curtain the woman will shriek and run away in horror. Men don't seem to get it that if we've chatted a respectable amount of time, you invite us (you guessed it) for coffee and we accept... guess what... odds are we're intrigued enough to want to get to know you better and unless you've grievously misrepresented your physical appearance, we're not going to run away.

See... here's the thing... if we've met through an online singles site, you can safely assume I'm there because I wanted to meet someone to date... not chat on MSN night after night after night about the weather, work, blah blah blah. I have no desire for an 'online' romance, relationship... whatever you want to call it. This is merely another venue to meet people, get to know them a little bit and decide if you want to take it to the next level. I don't understand how one can have a relationship with a person they've never met. I can see how one can develop an attraction and be interested in that person but come on, there's got to be some physical contact, even just being in the same room once or twice before it can officially be called a relationship.

So to you Mr. C. I'll say this: What the hell did you think was going to happen after two months of chatting to you, getting to know you, throwing out every hint I could think of including the words So do you want to take this to the real world sometime? Maybe have coffee? (gawd I know, I do it too. ugh) Like I could not have been ANY clearer that yes, I did want to meet him. But did he take the ball and run with it? Of course not. So I blocked him on msn and went on with my life. A week later, after I felt he had enough time to decide if he was upset that I was gone, I unblocked him. He was frantic to know where I had gone... what had I been up to... I had mental images of him sitting up til all hours of the night, devouring coffee by the gallons, staring at his contact list for the joyous moment that little box would pop up telling him I was back on line, back to the world he felt comfortable in.

So I told him I had met someone else. *shrug* And I told him I had a date that weekend. I was only partially lying. I had met someone else but the date was tentative. But he didn't need to know that.

He went from sniveling to pissy in 2.3 seconds. He started making snarky little comments like a dissed bitch would. So I asked him what his problem was and of course he said everything was cool (afraid of confrontation), which of course it wasn't so I came out and asked him What did he expect? He never asked me out once and someone else did, so grow up. I gave him more hints than a grown up man should need and if he couldn't take it from there maybe he needed to go back to the playground to find his women because most of us won't sit around forever while you get your shit together.

But the really funny thing about him is he still says 'hi' to me on line from time to time, asks me how things are, then doesn't say anything else... like is that supposed to irritate me? Does he think he's getting under my skin or something? He reminds me of when we were in high school and to get the guys attention... we ignored him (What was up with that?). This is what he does. He's so odd. Just put on your big girl panties and deal with it moron.

Ahhh well. It worked out for the best I guess because I don't need a man who needs so much prodding to do something. I need a man who did not leave his backbone in the birth canal. A man who's maturity has progressed beyond the high school level.

And can someone PLEASE tell me just what the hell is a Hollaback Girl?


Kelly Boyce said...

I think the main problem here is the fact that this simply wasn't a man. The men bring their backbones along once they leave the birth canal. The simpering, pussy-assed, wimps who can't rustle up enough gonads to ask the question 'would you like to go for coffee' - those are the boys.

It's all in the backbone. That's where we separate the species. Those worth our time. Those not.

How long before they learn this and stop hiding behind their keyboards? Answer - probably forever. Because boys can't handle women. That's a job for the men. And the men don't hide behind their keyboards. They come out to play.

And we thank them for it. Because they are sadly few and far between.

Maxx said...

The problem is that in the beginning with any potential relationship you invest a certain amount of time getting to know someone, and of course there's always high hopes involved so when it starts to go south for whatever reason you just get pissed off that you wasted any amount of time whatsoever on yet another idiot without a clue. This is when a crystal ball would come in really handy. You could check them out in advance so you'd know whether they were worth adding to your buddy list... literally and/or figuratively.

Maxx said...

Thank you Shine. We're all slowly learning, one broken relationship at a time.