Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Sun Also Rises

Ahhhh yes. Here I am once again.
I'm back.
Well I never really went far, just really busy with the move and had sporadic internet access. But we're all hooked up... dialed in... back in the loop as it were.

There's not much to tell, no real huge dramas to report. I got a new job in the city, spent a month of the work week in the City, weekend in Small Town, packing and learning a new job and trying to find a place to live. Gives me a headache just to think about it. But as a wise man once told me... How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time girl, one bite at a time.

So I'm almost to the ass end of the beast. We're moved into a nice apartment, good local, close to school yadda yadda yadda... really like my new job and coworkers - with a few exceptions but if everyone were pleasant and fun I'd have nothing to bitch about. I still am trying to rent out my house... which I thought I already had until I asked for a deposit then SOOPRISE! never heard from him again. Quelle surprise. A pox on him and his famille. I was really leary about him from the get go though so I think that worked out for the best. Gotta learn to trust the gut. So I've handed my domicile over to a realty agency that also handles leases. They advertise, do the viewings, interview the tenants... take care of all that legal mumbo jumbo I'm sure I would screw up and land in front of Judge Judy (eek!). I just *hope*hope*hope* they find me someone soon because although I have a cushion to carry me a month or two, rent and mortgage will eventually land me in a cardboard box, or eating Kraft Dinner every day. Ick.

Anyway... enough of that bollucks. I'm answering Stormy's tag on this one. I usually don't do these because I just can't be bothered sitting and thinking about the answers, but this one is short and sweet and pretty straight forward.

Four Jobs I've Had:
Sales person in clothing store
Bussed tables (*shivers*)
Travel Agent

Four Places I've Lived
New Cracker

Four Movies I Watch Over and Over
Colour Purple
Harry Potter movies

Four Places I've Vacationed
(Only Four?! Sheesh... I'm a travel agent dammit. How bout my favourite four)

Four Favorite Dishes
Breakfast at Cora's
Chicken Caesar salad
Chicken Stir Fry

Four Sites I Visit Daily
Hotmail (only during breaks... I got Big Brother breathing down my neck now)
Lavalife... whhyyyy I have NO idea. Just can't seem to get out of there entirely
Some sort of work approved news site ie,

Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now
a hut on the beach in Tahiti

Four TV Shows I Love
Dead Like Me
My Name is Earl (Never underestimate 15 beers-HA! Gawd I love that show)
The Office
Miami Ink (Chris Nunez if you're reading this... baby call me... seriously... we could so totally hook up)

Anywayz.... more to follow. Working in a large office is certainly entertaining and I'm sure I'll have stories to share. I'm just getting to know the characters but already I can see the office goings on are certainly more interesting than what they're paying me to do.

np: The Faders 'No Sleep Tonight'


Kelly Boyce said...

It's about freakin' time! I was going to send you an email today and tell you to update the damn thing.

And thanks because now i have that song 'got a job in the city, workin' for the man every night and day' going thru my head.

Maxx said...

ummmm oookkkaaayyyyy